Jazykový kemp v Los Angeles
Dvanáctiletá slečna Sophie toužila objevit dalekou Ameriku, a tak jsme zorganizovali třítýdenní pobyt v Los Angeles v kempu školy Tamwood.
Tamwood je mezinárodní vzdělávací organizace, která nabízí širokou škálu programů pro studenty z celého světa. Jedním z populárních programů jsou letní tábory pro děti a mládež, které pořádají v různých lokalitách, včetně Los Angeles. Tyto tábory kombinují výuku angličtiny s aktivitami, jako jsou sport, výlety a kulturní zážitky. Děti mají možnost poznat nové přátele z různých zemí, rozvíjet své jazykové dovednosti a užít si různé zábavné aktivity, jako třeba návštěvu zábavního parku Six Flags nebo objevování kalifornských pláží.
A jak se Sophii pobyt líbil? Posuďte sami. Recenzi nám napsala přímo v angličtině, která je na dvanáctiletou slečnu přímo skvostná.
An Unforgettable Experience
I highly recommend attending Camp Tamwood. I was there for a three-week experience, and during that time, I had an incredible adventure filled with fun activities. My favorite was probably visiting Six Flags, but I must say that staying on campus and playing games with my friends was also an excellent opportunity to learn about people from all over the world.
Belonging to the Blue Jays
At camp, we were divided into several groups, and I was a proud member of the Blue Jays. My camp counsellor, Mickey, was incredibly nice and supportive. One of the highlights was when we dressed him up as Mickey Mouse for the fashion show – it was SO much fun!
Creative English Classes
The English classes were not only interesting but also really funny. We had two types of classes: Module class and Language class. In Module class, we worked on a project every week based on a theme that our teacher gave us. My class and our teacher, Becky, were very creative, so our projects always turned out creative and funny.
Learning with Support
Although Language class wasn’t as funny, it was still incredibly interesting. Our teacher, Paden, always explained everything perfectly and was there to help and support us whenever we needed it.
Looking Forward to Next Year
In the end, I can honestly say it was the best time of my life. (By the way, I even tried to convince my parents to let me stay longer, but it didn’t work.) However, I’m definitely going back next year, hopefully for six weeks!